World Transformation Movement Brisbane History


The World Transformation Movement (WTM) was originally founded in 1983 as the Centre For Humanity’s Adulthood (CFHA) by Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith to develop and promote understanding of the human condition.

Now many decades later, having launched eight books and with WTM Centres opening around the world the WTM continues to work tirelessly to promote this explanation of the human condition to ensure its now desperately needed psychologically liberating and transforming effects reach every human.

Structurally, the World Transformation Movement is a not-for-profit organisation which is a registered Australian charity, it holds an Authority to Fundraise for Charitable Purposes, and it is a company limited by guarantee.

Read a full history of the WTM


All new ideas in science have typically been resisted by those who have become attached to the prevailing way of thinking. However, dealing as it does with the confronting subject of ‘self’, and also being the realm of enquiry where religion and science, faith and reason, finally overlap, no new idea in science was likely to be as resisted by the orthodoxy as the arrival of understanding of the human condition.

Clearly then, when this most valuable new idea of all of the all-liberating and all-transforming biological understanding of the human condition emerges, a crisis point in the human journey occurs where we all have to be scrupulously conscientious in maintaining the democratic principles of freedom of expression, or this greatest of all breakthroughs will likely be obliterated by persecution.

In fact, it wasn’t long after the launch of these, now desperately needed, psychologically relieving understandings of the human condition that resistance to them began in earnest.

To briefly summarise what happened, Jeremy Griffith’s first book Free: The End Of The Human Condition was published in 1988 and by the early 1990s a vicious campaign of persecution, vilification and misrepresentation was underway against him, those supporting his work and the World Transformation Movement (formerly the Foundation for Humanity’s Adulthood (FHA)).

In 1995 this campaign went public with a defamatory television program and a defamatory Sydney Morning Herald newspaper feature article about Jeremy and the WTM, both produced by a minister of the Uniting Church and published by Australia’s two biggest, left wing media organisations, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) and Fairfax Media respectively.

Ultimately, both publications were completely discredited by a series of official rulings and public apologies (summarised HERE).

In 2010, at the culmination of the biggest defamation case in Australia’s history, the NSW Court of Appeal unanimously overturned an earlier Supreme Court finding concerning a defamatory 1995 ABC Four Corners program about the World Transformation Movement.

In a momentous judgment for the WTM, for science and for the future of the human race, the Court of Appeal recognised the non-mechanistic nature of Jeremy Griffith’s biological explanation of the origins and amelioration of the human condition, finding that the lower Court did ‘not adequately consider’ ‘the nature and scale of its subject matter’ or that ‘aspects of Mr Griffith’s work are apt to make those who do take the trouble to grapple with it uncomfortable. It involves reflections upon subject-matter including the purpose of human existence which may, of its nature, cause an adverse reaction as it touches upon issues which some would regard as threatening to their ideals, values or even world views’.

Yes, ‘reflections upon’ the human condition can be extremely ‘threatening’ for some people, but that doesn’t justify malicious misrepresentation and persecution of a rigorously argued and evidenced scientific analysis of that holy grail of science of understanding the human condition.

For further analysis of what we understand about some people’s resistance to, and even vilification of, the work of Jeremy Griffith and the WTM, please read here.